Various Musings

SF/Fantasy Movies
For all things Scifi and Fantasy that need their own category.

Fantasy Cinema Helps Us Dream star
Why do fantasy and science fiction movies touch us so deeply? A brief exploration of the reasons why the genres are thriving like never before, and why the ideas they present and the questions they raise are vital to us as human beings.

Movie Robots since 1980 star
Robots have been in movies since the 1920s. In this article, we will take a look at the robots that have graced the big screen since the 1980s.

SciFi Symphony star
Music is a key element in a SciFi film. It sets the tone, lets you know when things are going to happen, and helps you remember elements of the movie.

The Heroes of SciFi and Fantasy star
Heroes are the guys (and gals) that make us cheer in SciFi and Fantasy movies. Here is the first half of a list of my favorite heroes.

The Heroes of SciFi and Fantasy After 2000 star
In this article we will take a look at the second half of my favorite list of Scifi/ Fantasy heroes, those that exploded on the big screen after the year 2000.

The Ladies of SciFi and Fantasy After 2000 star
In my previous article we looked at the ladies of Science Fiction and Fantasy from movies before 2000. This time we'll round out the list with amazing ladies from those films made after 2000.

The Ladies of SciFi and Fantasy Before 2000 star
Ladies have come a long way in the world of Sci-Fi/Fantasy movies. It used to be that they were only there to be captured by the villain and then subsequently rescued by the hero. Oh how things have changed!

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X-Men: Apocalypse (2016)
new Blade Runner version
From Time to Time Green Knowe Film

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