Science & Reason

Atheist / Agnostic
Scientific research, biological/evolutionary theories, and logical/rational arguments on controversial issues of the past and present.

Christian Science? star
Popular author Dinesh D'Souza claims that modern scientific thought derives from Christianity. I disagree.

Evolution Versus Creationism star
Evolution is the scientifically accepted system which explains how we are in our current form. The easiest way to explain evolution is by example and yet creationists refuse to see the evidence.

How I Became Skeptical star
How reason made me skeptical.

Is Atheism a Rational Position or an Irrational Belief? star
The ambiguity of the word “belief” can lead to misleading conclusions.

Reason - The Building Block of Humanity star
How have humans survived for all these years? What assets allowed us to thrive in an inhospitable world? Our ability to reason is the answer. Also, we visit the Garden of Eden in both the Bible and Quran, and what the story means in both.

The Banana Argument for God's Existence Disproved star
Ray Comfort slips up on his proof for God's existence.

The Discovery Institute star
The Discovery Institute pretends to support empirical science, but instead promotes a religious agenda known as Creationism.

The God Gene and Human Belief star
A "god" gene was discovered around 2005. Are those with this gene fated to believe in God? Is belief in our genes?

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What does TV say about us
Did god give us the Constitution?
Invoking *God* by name

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