Fancy Snowflakes

Here are some very pretty free tatting patterns for tatted snowflakes. These will make great holiday ornaments, cards and gifts and are wonderful for Christmas!

Editha star[offsite link]
This design by Christiane Eichler is a workout in two shuttle tatting for a most lovely pattern.

Flutterflake star[offsite link]
Emma Crew´s delightful Flutterflake has tiny butterflies placed in the spokes of the snowflake. It too uses concentric chains radiating out from the centre.

January Reflections star[offsite link]
This lovely design by Lenore English is one I just had to include in the patterns linked to from this site. The tatting is slightly more involved and makes use of two shuttles and careful blocking techniques for a perfect finish.

Kim´s Snowflake star[offsite link]
This pretty design by Kim Millar incorporates a little simple two shuttle work.

Knobby Bud star[offsite link]
This pattern is a simple flower motif but the designer, Lisa Trumble, has added josephine rings for effect.

Leaves Flake Snowflake star[offsite link]
Here is a delightful and not too difficult snowflake by Ben Fikkert, which can be found in the Patterns section of his site.

Mock Picot Split Ring Snowflake star[offsite link]
This very pretty example by Roger AKA Freedman will give good practice in two shuttle and split ring work.

October Enchantment star[offsite link]
Yet another design from Lenore English again makes use of the simplest ring and chain tatting with a little simple two shuttle work. However again you could practise your split chains and split rings with this design by starting with a chain instead of a ring.

Quick Snowflake Patterns star[offsite link]
Sally Magill has created some delightful quick snowflake patterns to enjoy.

Quick Snowflakes star[offsite link]
Here are some more delightful snowflakes by Sally Magill from the Ring of Tatters.

Rococo Flake Snowflake star[offsite link]
In Ben Fikkert´s Pattern section you will find another lovely snowflake which requires a little two shuttle work but is still not difficult.

Snowflake 2000 star[offsite link]
Susan Taliaferro has designed a pretty snowflake which is mounted on a button.

Snowflake Picture Frame star[offsite link]
Here is a pretty and simple way to frame a small picture with a snowflake.

Split Ring Snowflake star[offsite link]
Here is a split ring snowflake by Lenore English.

Star Spangled Snowflake star[offsite link]
Here´s a pretty snowflake which uses the Red, White and Blue motifs and two shuttle tatting. Great fun and well worth making!

Troy Flake star[offsite link]
Sue Hanson designed this lovely snowflake which incorporates block tatting and split rings.

Two SCMR Snowflakes star[offsite link]
Learn the Self Closing Mock Ring and make a couple of pretty snowflakes here!

Links marked with the [offsite link] designation point to websites not associated with is not responsible for the material found there.

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